
Holy Transactions now offering FairCoin wallet

HolyTransaction is a provider of online wallets for various blockchain based currencies. They recently added a FairCoin wallet system on its multicurrency wallet.

To make sure users know everything you need about this digital currency, they describe FairCoin in a nice blog post.

We are happy that the number of service providers that integrate FairCoin in their portfolio is steadily rising.

With FairCoin to the Blockchain conference in Brussels

We have been invited to present  the concept of FairCoin at a Blockchain conference in Brusseles (link is external) on Novermber 4th 2016. fairkom is running a FairCoin2 node and is accepting payments in FairCoin currency. Fairkom member Thomas was contacted, finally Roland was travelling by train to Brusseles.

Mit faircoin zur Blockchain Konferenz in Brüssel

Schon der österreichische Ökonom und Nobelpreisträger Friedrich von Hajek kritisiert 1976 in seinem Buch Denationalisation of Money das Bankensystem und die Rolle der Zentralbanken. Mit der Blockchain Technologie gibt es nun eine Ernst zu nehmende Alternative. Das dezentrale Bitcoin Netzwerk erfordert jedoch einen gewaltigen Strombedarf von 300 Megawatt, um die jeweiligen Transaktionen zu bestätigen.

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