
Testing fairlogin with the FairCoop community

A brief update on our Single-Sign-On project "fairlogin": We have keycloak running at and created a fairlogin realm. We migrated users into the LDAP and are now connecting one service after the other.

FairCoin hackathon beim Sommercamp

Im Aktivitätsfeld Social Design engagiert sich fairkom für die Kryptowährung FairCoin. Nun gibt es in der Schweiz bei unseren Freunden im Jura mit FairCoop Aktivisten aus ganz Europa und vielleicht auch einigen aus anderen Kontinenten ein Sommercamp mit mehreren Themenschwerpunkten: Organisationsentwicklung, Vermittlung, Technik.

CC0 Lizenz hält in Österreich

In Bezug auf die Verwendung der Creative Commons CC0 (kurz: CC0) in Österreich bestehen unterschiedliche Rechtsmeinungen, vielfach wurde in Zweifel gezogen, ob nach österreichischem Recht ein Verzicht auf Urheberrecht zulässig sei. Im Rahmen des Projekts e-Infrastructures Austria wurde daher zu dieser Fragestellung ein Gutachten in Auftrag gegeben.

FairCoin is rising!

FairCoin Market demand in April2017

After almost 2 years, where all users of FairCoin, have been accustomed to an exchange rate of 0,05€ (20 Faircoin = 1 €), FairCoop' assembly has decided to raise that to 0,0667 € (so now 15 Faircoin = 1 €). 

FairCoin2 development update

Hi all!

This is an update about the latest development around FairCoin2.

The core wallet received some more fixes and further optimisations, the internal data structures and the RPC-API can be considered final, and it runs very stable on different kinds of hardware and operating systems. The CVN operators on the current test blockchain do a great job in managing and updating their systems to keep them up and running all the time. Thanks guys, you're awesome!

Stability in Blockchains with Cooperation

The race about next Bitcoin has started, and Faircoin is among the frontrunners. A recent analysis in TECHCRUNCH (link is external) is asking about how to get a new digital currency stable. One approach is to start with a user base for which you would like to provide a service. The digital currency can then act as a crowdfunding tool and is transporting the brand.

Another approach is to be clear on values, such as cooperation. Here they mention FairCoin:
