Cloud for organizations

Memory Space, Groups, Support

This is fair: 250 MB for free for testing, more upon request. For organizations, we offer additional functions and services.

Is there all for free on the internet? Certainly not, at some point you pay with the dispense of your privacy.
What do we finance with the contributions? Server, bandwidth and our dedication to Creative Commons  or free software.
Advertisement? Not in our Cloud service, we also do not sell any address.

 GroupOffice with ownCloud Installation per month
      memory package 3 GB - € 5.-
      memory package 20 GB - € 9.-
      memory package 50 GB   € 20.-
      memory package 200 GB   € 30.-
      memory package 500 GB   € 42.-
      memory package 1 TB   € 59.-
For group common rights for templates, calendars, task lists(*) € 160.- € 20.-
Integration of your own email domain, for example, ) € 80.- € 10.-
Access via own domain (for example, € 160.- €10.-
99,9% availability, backups in 2 seperate data center, green power operation


Professional Support

Support weekdays 8am-6pm each started quarter of an hour € 35.-

(*) When setting up a group, we recommend to set up a separate account for a group administrator and plan and procede with us the assignment of the rights. The effort consists of 2 hours support (locally, on the phone or with TeamViewer).

Our osAlliance members usually react at the same or next business day or even on weekends. For those, who needs guaranteed response times, there are SLAs:

Professional Service Level Agreement (for up to 5 accounts in a team):

  • maximum 8h reaction time business day 8am-6pm € 2900.- monthly
  • maximum 4h reaction time business day 8am-6pm € 6900.- monthly
  • We may arrange other SLA options for your team, please contact us (number of employees, desired reaction time).


Order of memory space and additional functions via email to

prices per month, excl. 20% VAT, accounting monthly, quarterly or annually.

We ask your understanding that we cannot provide limitless free data storage as some cloud giants do. With that we cover our expenses do not use the data for advertising or intelligence purposes. About the economical use of financial resources all members of the association can gain insight.



Ardora – Recycling

Helmut Fabing/Günther Hellrigl

Unser Motto lautet: Verwenden statt verschwenden.
Darunter verstehen wir, alle Ressourcen bestmöglich und nachhaltig zu nutzen.